Term Definition
YOLO (You Only Look Once) A fast object detection algorithm that finds and identifies objects in images or videos in one go. It's widely used in situations like self-driving cars and security cameras where quick and accurate detection is important.
Yann LeCun A pioneer in AI and deep learning, known for developing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and making significant contributions to computer vision and neural network research.
Yannakakis Principle The Yannakakis Principle is about understanding how difficult a problem is to solve and finding the most efficient way to solve it, often used in optimization and AI model training.
Yields Refers to the output or results produced by a machine learning model after it processes input data. It’s essentially what the model predicts or generates based on the data it has learned from.
Y-Data The actual result or answer that a model tries to predict in supervised learning. For example, if you're predicting house prices, the Y-Data is the real house prices.
Yokota Data Representation A computational method that helps AI handle and organize complex, multi-dimensional data, making it easier for models to analyze and use large datasets.
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